Hype Events Ski Cross Series 2008

Consent / Disclaimer


Important Notice: Read thoroughly before agreeing

Ski Cross is a fast, physical sport, and as such carries the risk of injury. Hype Events and SNO!zone are not responsible for any injury to competitors sustained whilst taking part in any section of the event. Competitors are reminded of the risks associated with action sports and asked to assist the event organisers in minimising these risks by behaving in a responsible manner at all times. Competiitors who agree with these terms do so accepting the risks involved with the sport.

In order to encourage a proper attitude to the wearing of appropriate safety clothing and equipment all racers in Hype Events Ski Cross Series 08, will be required to wear a helmet, gloves, long trousers and a long sleeved garment, which also covers the midriff, to reduce the risk of injury during the races.

Hype Events neither specifies nor recommends any particular helmet design and undertakes no responsibility or liability in connection with the requirement that helmets be utilised. It is the sole responsibility of the competitor (or in the case of minors, the parent, or other responsible adult signing the form) to select an appropriate helmet for accident protection in ski cross racing and to ensure it is properly fitted.

CAUTION: The protective qualities of all safety helmets and face guards are affected by age and use. Some older helmets and face guards that have been damaged either in racing by a fall or by other impact may no longer provide sufficient protection - even if there are no visible indications of damage. Hype Events neither specifies nor makes warranties as to the fitness for use of any particular ski helmet or face guard nor assumes any responsibilities or duties to any competitor by requiring the use of a helmet or face guard. For more information see: http://www.britski.org/helmets-v2.pdf

Athletes who do not wish to be photographed by the accredited photographers must notify the Race Organisers on the race day.

I confirm that I compete in the races entirely at my own risk and I release Hype Events and its officers from any harm I may suffer whilst competing. I am solely responsible for ensuring that I am wearing the appropriate equipment as detailed above and that it is suitable, safe, and properly fitted what ever the source of supply.

Data Protection
I confirm that my contact details indicated on the Race Entry Form may be passed on to the sponsors of Hype Events.